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Mayor-Elect Kevin Sartor Condemns Arrest of Surprise Resident, Defends First Amendment Rights

Surprise, AZ. — Mayor-elect Kevin Sartor issued a strong statement today condemning the recent actions of the current mayor, who oversaw the arrest of Surprise resident Rebekah Massie during a City Council meeting. Massie was escorted out and arrested after speaking out against a salary increase for City Attorney Robert Wingo, sparking outrage among citizens concerned about their First Amendment rights.

“As Americans, our right to free speech is fundamental, especially when it comes to holding our government accountable,” said Sartor. “What happened to Rebekah Massie is unacceptable. No citizen should ever be arrested for voicing their concerns, especially in a forum specifically designed for public input.”

Sartor emphasized that under his administration, such actions will not be tolerated. “My administration will prioritize transparency, respect, and the protection of our citizens' First Amendment rights. We will never arrest or silence our residents for expressing their views or questioning their elected officials. This is not just about Rebekah Massie; it's about every resident of Surprise. Your voice matters, and it will always be heard.”

“The right to free speech is at the heart of our democracy, and as your next mayor, I will ensure that every citizen’s voice is heard, respected, and protected,” Sartor stated.

“While there must be reasonable limits on speech in public forums—such as prohibiting violence, threats, or profanity—this recent incident did not come close to crossing those lines.”

Sartor concluded by reaffirming his commitment to upholding the values of democracy and free speech in Surprise. “As mayor, I will ensure that our city is a place where open dialogue is encouraged, not suppressed. We are stronger when every voice is heard.”

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